Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Saw the GI specialist today, and my worst fears have been confirmed. In order to get a good read for the biopsy I'll have in about a month, I have to go back to eating gluten. Hello again days of extreme fatigue, irritability, and brain fog. Did I mention pain? But, it's better to know for sure than to keep wondering since Celiac has a genetic component, which means I can pass it onto my future kids if that's for sure what I have. As much as I don't want to do this, I'm going to for my poor grandma who I'm almost dead positive was a Celiac and lived over 70 years without knowing. She had the same symptoms as I have when I consume gluten. I want to find out for her sake and then start raising awareness like hell. I have never been so frustrated and angered as I have been going through this. Celiac is supposed to be found in 1/100 people, and yet rarely do doctors test for this! Why is that?!!!!!!!!!!! So for any who read this, I would like to solicit your warm thoughts and prayers, especially for those of strength. God help me get through the next month and have pity on those around me until we know for sure one way or another.

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